Brought up in the world of changes, part time cleaner in a holiday feat
I stare out to sea at the ships at night
No anaesthesia, I'm going to work on it day to day
No zephyr, no light relief it seems
But maybe it's a dream
I'm lying back in a row of timber cases
Placed out on the dock with nightmare faces looking at me
And I can see now and I wanna be free now
This is my home
This is my sea
Don't paint it with the future of factories
I want to stay
I feel ok
There's nothing else that's perfect
I'll have my way
Brought up in a world of changes, waste product pedestrian limb from limb
Short changed by the surfing priest again
Two children in the harbour, they play their games storm water drain
Write their contract in the sand, it'll be grey for life
but you can draw the blind, but you can't stop the sun
From shining on and on
And getting you there
Tide forever beckons you to leave something holds you back
It's not the promise of a swell or a girl just
A hope that someday someway it'll be ok
So you step and say
This is my home
This is my sea
Don't paint it with the future of factories
This is my life
This is my right
I'll make it what I want to
I'll stay and I'll fight